24 Replies to “Adam Gilchrist Sledge”

  1. you cant blame him almost every international cricketer wont walk if he is not given out.

  2. you serious? Pakistan, Bangladesh, India and Sri Lanka are all part of the Asian sub continent

  3. Gotta give credit to all the asian test batsmen whenever they’re up against the kiwis, english or australians. they r the masters of sledging no doubt. Us asians loose it very quickly.

  4. How can he? He was up in the pavilion probably, who knows, maybe he said something off the field.

  5. There is a good one where Surav tried to claim a catch that a) Gilchrist didn’t hit and b) the ball didn’t carry – Gily made some gold comments

  6. Im not angry with you but that was not sledging everyone new he was out even the batsman himself if anyone is dumped with poor sportsmanship it is marvid.

  7. Dont forget Gilly walked because he is one of the few that was honest and even if the umpire said he wasnt out… and he knew he hit the ball so he walked.

  8. ………..And for SMASHING EM around the park and getting the classic catches of all time. GO YOU GOOD THING……….AUSSIE AUSSIE AUSSIE OI OI OI.

  9. @giam333: In India everyone doesn’t bath in polluted rivers, I agree that a large number of indians do that out of poverty, but the fact is a large number of Indians are richer than many australians, I am not someone who criticize aussies, despite I love australian cricket & respect aussies but your racial comments made me write this….

  10. @giam333: In India everyone doesn’t bath in polluted rivers, I agree that a large number of indians do that out of poverty, but the fact is a large number of Indians are richer than many australians, I am not someone who criticize aussies, despite I love australian cricket & respect aussies but your racial comments made me write this….

  11. You said it mate…you don’t watch cricket. Do you even play the game? If not, how can you decide who cheats? What qualifies you to pass judgement? Is it because you read it in the Indian press? Don’t believe everything you read in the papers champ.

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