16 Replies to “ASICS and Cricket Australia commercial – Michael Clarke”

  1. he’s proved himself time and time again but people just insist on bad-mouthing him.why dont u try and make 329* or better still try declaring at that moment?

  2. “Australian cricketers don’t play for themselves, they play for there team, they play for there country” um tell me what country doesn’t do any of these ? -_-

  3. m an indian and i comp adore micheal clarke..he is way better than the self-centerd arrogant ricky ponting…good on u pup..now uve become the top dog..!! hope u do very well but not against indian plzz…!!

  4. The first thing Clarke says ‘Australian cricketers don’t play for themselves, they play for there team, they play for there country’ explains just what kinda man he is. The guy is an out and out superstar and team man. That is why when on 329 not out he declared even though there was 2.5 days left, as the captain of the Australian test team he knew that the best chance Australia had of winning the test was for him to sacrifice his own chance at the all time highest score record and declare.

  5. To everyone bad mouthing Michael Clarke give me a shout when you make 151 for Australia!

  6. what do you call the ashes performance last year if you didn’t play for yourselves

  7. Yeah Clarkey what would you say if one of your players on tour said they needed to go home to sort some issues out with there misses?

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